Payments for your documents
Collect payments directly from your documents.
No credit card required
Join 1,000+ companies who’ve simplified their payments with BearDoc
Signed and paid in an instant
Get paid at the same time your document is signed.
Reduce payment time
Don't wait days or weeks to get paid! We make it easy for you to add a digital payment option to any of your documents.
Integrate with your accounting tool
BearDoc is integrated with many of the most popular accounting platforms. Seamlessly transfer data from your documents to your accounting platform.
Increase the efficiency of your payment collection efforts
Our customers reduce their payment collection time by 3 days, on average.
days faster payments
decrease in time collecting payments
decrease in time creating documents
BearDoc + the tools you use
BearDoc integrates with many of the tools you already use.
Create documents faster with BearDoc
Quickly create proposals based on templates
Create accurate quotes with our built-in calculators
Create signable forms
Frequently asked questions
Yes, our integration with Dot allows you to accept recurring payments.
Yes, you only pay transaction fees to your payment processor.
More from BearDoc
Get started with BearDoc today
Contact Us
123 Street,
Minneapolis, MN 55401
contact (at)